I'm Fathasya Meyra Arliansyah

Fathasya Meyra Arliansyah

Junior Web Developer

Education      : D3 Komputerisasi Akuntansi

Date of Birth : April 21, 2002

Address         : Cirebon City, Indonesia

Interest          : • Programming

                        • Accounting


  • Programming
  •   HTML5

  •   CSS

  •   Tailwind CSS

  •   JavaScript

  •   Next JS

  •   Express JS

  •   PHP

  •   Laravel

  • mysql   MySql

  • Accounting
  •   Accounting

  •   Zahir Accounting Software

  •   Microsoft Office

  • Language
  •  Bahasa Indonesia

  •   English


  •   Analytical Thinking

  •   Critical Thinking

  •   Decision Making

  •   Problem Solving

  •   Time Management

My Newest Projects

Linktree Website

Linktree Website | 21 May 2023

A user-friendly and responsive website I created with ReactJs and TailwindCSS. It allows users to easily create and share multiple links on a single page.

Alphadev Website

Company website | 01 April 2023

Company website with Progressive Web App and Multitranslation features. Developed using NextJs and TailwindCSS.


Sistem Informasi Pegawai

Employee Management Web App | 25 March 2023

A web application I built to manage employee data in a company that features login, search, sorting, editing, deletion, data export, etc. The frontend was built using EJS and SASS, while the backend is developed with ExpressJs.


Sistem Informasi Bank Sampah

Government Service Web App | 15 August 2022

This web app allows users to manage their waste bank administration. It features login, input transaction, viewing account balance, print passbook, etc. The frontend created using Bootstrap and the backend created with PHP.